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Cockroaches Control Services

Cockroaches Control

BSJ enables you to check for some common signs of Cockroaches attack at your workplace or home. If they are dropping or easily visible eggshells, you need to contact our cockroach control team. Cockroaches may be a highly difficult pest to have in your home, and they have the capacity to carry serious illnesses, it includes food poisoning, diphtheria, typhoid, and other gut infections. Beyond this, they can cause contamination and produce an obnoxious smell that taints food and objects they come in contact with.


Cockroaches Control

BSJ enables you to check for some common signs of Cockroaches attack at your workplace or home. If they are dropping or easily visible eggshells, you need to contact our cockroach control team. Cockroaches may be a highly difficult pest to have in your home, and they have the capacity to carry serious illnesses, it includes food poisoning, diphtheria, typhoid, and other gut infections. Beyond this, they can cause contamination and produce an obnoxious smell that taints food and objects they come in contact with.


Cockroaches Control Services

Cockroaches are most harmful and dirty creature ever created to make the house more dangerous to live as they easily transfer germs from one place to another, able to contaminated food and may cause food poisoning, BSJ Pest Control ensure you to completely clean from the house.


Once cockroaches are been invaded into the house or a particular portion of the house its very difficult. There are some major sources are:

  • Food is the major attraction, kitchen leftovers, messy dishes, etc.
  • Cardboard is also one of the greatest attractions for them.
  • Cleaning the home, shelves, kitchen tops clean doesn’t mean they never came but also removing waste out of the house regularly, keep areas wipes and dry or regular basis is also important.


Keeping the places dry and clean is the key solution to prevent them and if the pollution of cockroaches increases to a certain level feel free to contact BSJ Pest control there are some


Approximately 4000 different variety of cockroaches, special 5 types of cockroaches specially found in india and can be identified by their color, size, wing shapes, etc and use different techniques to remove them after indentifying their type are as follows:

  1. American Cockroaches (periplaneta americana): these type are generally reddish brown in color and most common to find in any Indian house and place, this is the biggest among all of the type, has yellowish figure, unique property that it can fly. And may offspring 150 eggs per year.
  2. German Cockroach (blatella germanica): this is also one of the common most one, easy to find all over the world, basically between brown to black in color panel and has two panel streaks which is dark in color.
  3. Oriental Cockroach (blatta orientalis): they are mostly found near organic material, length upto 2.5cm, they mostly found in cooler places.
  4. Brown Banded Cockroach (supella longipalpis): this is one of the small species of cockroach, they have two light brown color band, they need less moisture then to german.
  5. Smoky brown (periplaneta fuliginosa): mostly found in garages, painting, wooden piles, dark brown in color, has antenna across their back.

Cockroaches Control Services Steps

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Is it safe for pets and humans?
Our team takes care of your family members and the environment. All our products are government authorized and registered with the authorities.
Precisely immediately, some of the pests would get eliminated just after the procedure, and others will die within a few days.
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I was starting a new restaurant and I contacted the QSEK team for FSSAI registration. The team was very responsive and was clear with the instructions. Got my FSSAI license within a week. Very pleased with the service.
Saurabh Chaudhary

BSJ Pest Control Services

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